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Racial disparity is a real problem in our local schools, and African American Teaching Fellows needs your help. The most important factor in determining how many Fellows we can support is the amount of money the community invests in our program.


Your donation helps us recruit, support, and, develop new teachers. Because of you, the children of Charlottesville and Albemarle County will receive diverse mentorship, experience cross-cultural collaboration, and prepare to become tomorrow’s global leaders.


For all the students in our local schools and from all of us working hard for change: thank you

Recruitment – $928.56

During the year, we make on-campus visits to our partner colleges to introduce students to our program, host recruitment events for local teacher’s assistants, and attend various career fairs. Applicants must complete a rigorous application and screening process and develop a plan of work for obtaining a degree and a teaching license.


Support – $3,674

Our fellowship includes a forgivable loan of up to $5,000 a year for Fellows who are still in school. This funding helps to cover the cost of tuition, textbooks, and fees for licensure tests.


Professional Development – $2,227.92

In 2012, we implemented a new program: the Teacher-Leader Institute. A week-long summer program and year-round support initiative, the TLI provides for our Fellows a foundation on which they will build careers of professional excellence and community leadership. Thanks to direct workshops, support from our director of programs, a community mentor, and the Teacher-Leader Institute, the Fellows in our program are exceptional teachers when they enter the classroom.


Retention – $2,148.50

While some of our Fellows grew up here, others are moving to Charlottesville or Albemarle from other cities. This, coupled with the high turnover rate among young teachers, has heightened our focus on making sure Fellows stay in the local schools. To this end, we provide direct professional support, make classroom observations, host small group gatherings, and provide year-round opportunities for Fellows to connect with each other, our program, and the local community.


Administrative Costs – $1,020.46

Rent, insurance, personnel costs, utilities, equipment, and membership fees


Teachers of color can broaden awareness and appreciation of cultural differences and ultimately this will benefit youth as they become active members of a global society. We welcome the African American Teaching Fellows program as a partner. “


Dr. Pam Moran, Superintendent of Albemarle County Schools


“African American teachers in our schools provide role models for our students, and opportunities for all students to learn about ethnic, racial, and cultural identity. Charlottesville City Schools is an enthusiastic partner with the African American Teaching Fellows. We share a common goal of wanting the diversity in our school division to mirror our city and student population.”


Dr. Rosa Atkins, Superintendent of Charlottesville City Schools


“Although their contributions are sometimes identified as having more of an impact on the social and relational areas than on academic performance, increasing the percentage of teachers of color in the workforce is connected directly to closing the achievement gap of students.”


National Collaborative on Diversity in the Teaching Force, 2004


“Quality teachers have a greater influence on pupil achievement than any other school-based factor.”


The Carnegie Foundation, 2007


“Research amply demonstrates that diverse teams are better at solving a variety of problems when compared with homogeneous groups, even when such groups are rated higher on standard ability measures.”


Why Race Matters in School Admissions,” Martha L. Minow and Robert C. Post, Published in the Washington Post, October 5, 2012

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